Sunday 29 September 2013

Edit for sarah diamondswirls!!

Since Sarah Diamondswirls said she would like an edit i made her one! Here it is:

It's kinda small so i made another that's bigger but kinda blurry:
Hope you like it sarah! :) (sorry the wings look weird)


  1. OMG thanks so much Melanie!!!!!!!
    You are a true edit master! :)
    Wait until I put this up on my blog for everyone to see and admire! :D

  2. Melanie, it looks fabulous! It looks like there's another talented editor-blogger in Pixie Hollow Blog World :P
    I'd totally want one of those!
    (By the way Sarah, that Unicorn outfit looks great on you!)

    1. Aww thanks!!!!!!!!!! sorry for the late reply lol. i used an online editor called Pizap :D

    2. Yes I know! I've used it before xD I really like the glowing fonts and stickers :P
